Saturday, July 31, 2010

Order The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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This is not a typical chemistry book. Dr. Schwarcz has several interesing stories such at the background of Thalidomide and the origin of the term "snake oil". About half the book is on food and health related topics. It's a fast read and should be interesting to anyone interested in science, health or history. The Dr. has his own radio show on science so the topics are designed to entertain a wide audience. The commentaries are short and make sense in any order. I liked is so much I'm planning on reading one of Dr. Schwarcz's other collections of commentaries.
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Buy Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science In The Courtroom

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Huber has presented a flawless indictment of so many in the legal profession. I don't recall Shakespeare's exact words, but he wrote something to the effect of "first kill all the lawyers." These fellows have a huge racket and will do anything to silence those who would expose them. The legal system in the country needs a cleansing, and Huber's book is a fine place to get the process started. It needs to be read widely and acted upon.
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Discount The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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This is an excellent book for anyone interested in knowing a little more about chemicals and their place in the world. Through his stories, Schwarcz explains how chemicals are used in our everyday lives and how very often they are given a "negative impact" as not being natural. He shows how media and others have made chemicals appear to always be bad yet at the same time these agencies neglect the overwhelming good of chemistry! This book is not about bashing media but rather to inform the reader of the global story and the truth about many of the so-called "toxins" in our world. It is a truly interesting book that is light hearted in its style so that it will please both the scientist as well as the non-scientist!
Finally, if you ever get to see "The Magic of Chemistry" or take "The World of Chemistry" course at McGill ... they are also highly recommended!
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Cheap The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

Over All Rating Reviews :
This book demonstrates how seemingly impractical ideas made it
into implementation in the areas of organic and inorganic
chemistry. At first, silly puddy was deemed an impractical
idea with very little commercial application outside the
laboratory. It turned out to be a multi-million dollar idea.
Baking soda was not seen as a practical idea initially, although
most homes have it today. The concept of drinking urine to
heal arthritis was deemed to be bizarre; however, there is
some scientific validity to the concept according to the author.
Arthritis may be relieved by keeping raisins in gin for 9 days.
GLA, primrose oil and chicken cartilage are all helpful
complementary strategies to controlling arthritis. Vaseline
oil was not seen as a great idea initially. Its inventor,
Robert Chesebrough created an enduring legacy with the product.
Chlorinated drinking water saved millions from bacterial diseases. This work describes many of the most promising inventions and processes in chemistry. It would be a perfect
reference for a student project. The book is a good value for the price charged. Its contents could make great conversation
at any dinner table.
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Shop For The Water We Drink: Water Quality and Its Effects on Health

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Americans are drinking more than twice the bottled water we did a decade ago. Bottled water now is everywhere. Evian water bottle was popular as a fashion accessory in the '80s fashion scene in Los Angeles. From the corporate boardrooms of New York City to the campgrounds of Yosemite National Park, Americans are drinking bottled was as never before. In fifteen years (1984 to 1999), consumption in the U. S. tripled. In 2001, Aquafina, purified tap water of Wichita, Kansas, was the top selling brand replacing that from Atlanta, GA, bottled by Coca Cola, Dasani. The back lash in 2007 of the tap water aspect led to Poland Spring of Maine to become the top seller.

In 1820 was the beginning of bottling for resale the spring water at Saratoga Springs, New York, and used as a cure for stomach ailments, called "Doctor Clark." Twenty years later, Poland Spring in Maine started the most advantageous and successful American bottling (the #1 today) of water as a cure for kidney ailments. Napoleon III decreed that Perrier water was to be bottled for the good of France in 1863. Italians drink the most at fifty galloons a year.

In 1912, the water fountain for use in public buildings was invented by Hal Taylor. All this bottling and packaging goes back to King Cyrus the Great of Persia whose brilliance led to boiling drinking water to be carted in silver flagons to war. Da Vinci, in 1509, declared San Pellegrino water miraculous. The brother of Andrew Wyeth invented plastic bottles in 1968. Perrier water was packaged in green glass.

In 1976, the average American drank 1-6 gallons a year; by 2006 we drank a shopping 28.3 galloons. Noncarbonated bottled water is the fastest grtowing segment of the U. S. beverage industry. Recent annual sales have reached 3.5 billion dollars. Water is the perfect drink, healthyu, refreshing and satisfying in a way Cokes, 7Ups, juices or alcohol aren't. In the U. S. many of the earliest brands were associated with resorts and spa complexes. The mystique of today's normal thing to do (no longer a status symbol) was started in 1928 . Mythology that mineral water improves one's overall health is questionable. I can't stomach tge taste if nminerak water; just because we think it's healthy doesn't make it so. TVA uses so many chem,icals in the dams up and dow \n the Tennessee River.

At first in 1976, water was delivered in large bottles to homes and offices and at grocery stores in galloon jugs. It's more economical to purchase the heavy jugs, the mainstream water businesss is a force of nature. Compare bottled to tap water: now, the secret is out and we know it is safe only so far. Any water source can be tampered with to make it unsafe, like any food or medicine at any grocery store. Thanks to Al Gore and his vigilance about global warming, drinking water is under environmental scrunity like never before. Water, pure, healthy, perfect...until now. Toxins can be added anywhere along the way. There's nothing in it which is not good for you except for the additives utility companies use fjor purity to get the dirt out.

Thirty years ago, bottled water barely existed as a business in the U. . I wuse it in the jugs for my coffee. Recent annual sales have reached over 2.6 billion dollars. I've even ventured far enough off the tract to use artesian water for coffee, but mainly I stick to Spring water. It is hard to choose "good" quality as each grocery stocks up on their own brand and don't give the buyer a chaoice. Taste and water undergone reverse osmosis treatment determine the cost. Is water pure? Depends on the source.
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Buy The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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I am teach chemistry 110 and beginning lab classes for chemistry in our local community college. As my background is mainly in human biology and neuroscience, I've been boning up some on my chemistry, even though I took like ten chemistry classes. One thing I've noticed is especially in teaching three hour classes for chemistry, is the students tend to start going into daze mode about half way between. It ends up being too much scientific information given through textbooks too boringly. I've always used history of science to make things more interesting...for example, when we get into the making of the atom bomb, I tell them about the mission made into Norway in WWII to bomb the Nazi's only site of heavy water (Hydrogen with a neutron in the nucleus) to be used to make their own bombs. At least for the guys, this manages to perk things up...for the girls it is a little bit harder to find information that is relevant to them now and to their future jobs which for most of them will be nursing.

This book was recommended to me, and though it deserves a five for fun reading and good writing, it didn't have exactly what I was looking for. I think I had more in mind a book with the periodical chart of the chemicals and interesting stories going through the chart...that wasn't the case with this book. There are some stories I can use in there, especially on acetone, and I always use stories where doctors use themselves as guinea pigs, or stories of really stupid stunts done in the name of science just for a laugh. Schwarcz obviously has made a living out of collecting this stuff...I'm pretty sure I saw him either on PBS or Discovery channel once with some physicists who were doing things along the same line.

Science doesn't need to be mind-numbingly boring, yet so many teachers make it that way, even in college. In college so much emphasis is placed on the math, that the cool part of chemistry gets lost in the student's mind as they stumble through just trying to pass the tests. When that happens you know the students haven't learned a thing and are going to forget this stuff as soon as they leave the room. The bigwigs in education, at the NSF and the NIH wonder why American kids are doing poorly in science...well, the textbooks are often not only badly written...they often have wrong information, with wrong problems and wrong answers in them from proofreading done incorrectly. In the press to test, we leave out the necessary component of 'learning', and in order to learn, the information must be given in the right manner.

This book is definitely a keeper, and I will use it, and I am hoping I get guided to some more books more along the line I was looking for...

Karen sadler,
Science Education,
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Purchase Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science In The Courtroom

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A must read for any person involved with the product realization process. The only way to protect you and your company against junk science when you are hauled into court with your product or service is to understand that junk science exists and to be prepared to provide real and concrete data to support the validity of your design, not simply close your eyes to their opinions and say "There is nothing wrong".

Several of the companies mentioned in the book were severally damaged by what this books talks about. A number of excellent products have been taken of the market never to come back and more will never see the light of day because of those who have no other desire that to either make money or push their unsubstantiated agendas have been allowed to take advantage of our tort court systems in the USA.

Yes, some not so good products also have been taken off the market but for the wrong reasons. This too keeps other excellent products locked away in the closet.

In our increasingly technological world lack of understanding in science and technology along of this issues by both sides of the junk science debate will only result in more witch-hunts and more tilting at windmills.

To be successful in life one cannot simply allow them selves to be a victim, we must understand the world around us. No matter how good it really is, everything has a cost, everything has a dark side, but even with these costs and risks that do exist we must address the real issues and not simply make someone pay for the downside of life just because they can.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cheap Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science In The Courtroom

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This book is a notorious piece of total junk: junk logic, junk scholarship, junk law. Huber popularized the inspired neologism "junk science" to denigrate views and outcomes he didn't like. Since publication this book has been praised by those who don't want any interference with corporate behavior, no matter how reprehensible, and vilified by those on the other side. In the middle are a broad range of scholars who have pointed out the sloppy scholarship, nonexistent historiography, and misleading choice of examples. Real junk. Get it from the library. Huber is already rich enough charging huge lecture fees from his corporate clack. An excellent and balanced book on this subject is Sheila Jasanoff's, Science at the Bar.
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Purchase The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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Here is a book for everyone who has a natural scientific curiosity - a well-written and entertaining look at the chemistry of everyday life. Dr. Schwarz has taken Chemistry, food and magic tricks and rolled them all together in order to create an entertaining read.

To name just a few of the topics covered.

While cooking peas- how can you make them more GREEN - and why does it work

The chemical benefits of flax seed oil

Why magicians can NOT bend things with thought power alone.

The history of Mercury poisoning

Why things are "hot" to taste and how this can be used against bugs

As you can see the list of topics is both broad and entertaining. Amazingly, Dr. Schwarz does not get us caught up in very in-depth chemical equations/reactions. This is book written for someone with scientific curiosity not necessary a Masters in Science!

I definitely recommend "The Genie in the Bottle" - and I also give it as an endorsement to be used as bed time stories to your children, for it is these types of short essays on chemistry that may spark the love of the sciences in your child!
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