Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Buying The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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If you would like to know what the things around you are made of, read Joe Schwarcz' entertaining books. He warns you of real hazards and make you laugh at our silly notions about every day things we all take for granted. Great for your junior high student. They might become scientists or engineers!
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Story Worth Telling: An Asbestos Tragedy

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Jun 27, 2010 08:45:04
A Story Worth Telling is a true account of an asbestos tragedy. Eddie and Becky Albarado fight to lengthen his life after a diagnosis of Mesothelioma. There is no cure for Mesothelioma, a cancer whose only known cause is asbestos exposure. Their venture takes them halfway across the nation to become a part of a clinical trial, the only hope for Mesothelioma victims, at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. It is a story of their love, their life, and their struggle to hold onto it.

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Save Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science In The Courtroom

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As someone formally trained in scientific method and the law, Mr. Huber provides a truly scholarly treatise on "pseudoscience" and its negative impact on American legal proceedings. Even as someone with more than a passing familiarity with this topic, I was truly amazed at the sad state of affairs described in this text. It should be mandatory reading for anyone desiring an education in scientific issues affecting the law.
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Mesothelioma Pain and Problems

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused due to exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma mainly affects the mesothelium which is a protective lining covering all internal organs of the body. Mostly, it originates in the pleura, which is the between the outer part of the lungs & the chest cavity. Mesothelioma may also attack in or the lining of abdominal cavity (peritoneum) or the sac which surrounds heart (that is, pericardium).

It has been observed that person having Mesothelioma must have worked on a job where he may have inhaled asbestos particulates, or he might have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in any other way. It might be caused just by washing cloths of some family member handling asbestos regularly. But, unlike lung and oral cancer, there exists no link between mesothelioma & smoking. It is an unbelievable fact that an exposure of 1 or 2 months could result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 yrs later and for some, as much as seventy years later. People exposed in the 1960s and '70s are now diagnosed of mesothelioma due to the long latency of asbestos deposit.

On suffering from Mesothelioma, patient may have breathlessness, slight pain in the chest and cough, while peritoneal mesothelioma causes patient to lose weight and pain in the abdomen. Peritoneal mesothelioma causes obstruction in bowel-area, abnormal blood clotting, anemia, and may also cause fever. In Case the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it may cause pain, troublesome swallowing, or swelling in neck and face. Mesothelioma can only be diagnosed from biopsy by pathological examination If further examination is warranted, more tests may be done. Mesothelioma has three kinds of treatments. First one involves surgery, that is, to take out the cancer. Secondly, the deadly radiation therapy to kill cancer causing cells. The third is the chemotherapy, in which drugs are inserted in body to fight cancer.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shop For The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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This is a fun little book that is exactly what the sub-heading on the book says it is: 67 commentaries on the fascinating chemistry of everyday life. I work as a chemist and I did enjoy reading this book.

The book is broken up into 5 main sections. There is a section on Health Matters, Food Matters, Chemistry Everywhere, learning from the past, and Silly stories. The Health Matters and Food Matters are the most organized sections of the book. The mini-stories in the these two sections deal exclusively with health or food. Each section had a collection of short anecdotes. The anecdotes average at 3-4 pages per length with some being shorter and a few being significantly longer.

This book is definitely geared more toward the average joe than to a chemist. That being said, there is enough chemistry addressed to interest your everyday chemist too. I was a bit disappointed that I had heard a lot of these stories before; they are things I've read about in headlines or just have general knowledge of. But for everything I had heard of there were two things I hadn't heard about.

There is a lot of fun miscellaneous information in this book. Depending on how much of that you want to retain this book could be a quick or a slow read. I personally had trouble reading large portions of it at once because it was just so much information to assimilate. Especially in the later sections the anecdotes tend to jump around willy, nilly. You may be reading about how Hydrogen was discovered then, in the next anecdote, you are reading about Silly Putty. I found that I enjoyed the book (and remembered all the fun facts) the best when I read a few anecdotes a day.

The writing style is done very well. There is a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor and there are a lot of cleverly worded passages. This is a chemistry book that will amuse and interest everyone. I personally applaud it for bringing chemistry to the masses. Chemistry is awesome and interesting; and it is wonderful that Schwarcz can make it interesting for everyone. I plan on checking out his additional collections of chemistry anecdotes in the future.
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Discount Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science In The Courtroom

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Peter Huber is the principal critic of the rise of tort and consequent dilution of contract. His views on judicial nannying were well set out in his book "Liability". He now sets his sights on perverted or suspect science which he sees as a convenient tool to effect an extension of tort and product liability.

The book is an easy - not to say breezy - read. Despite the severe health warning I give them, my students all love this book. Huber's thesis is a simple one - bad science in the court room has helped to make bad law in the precedent book. He claims that there are too many cowboy scientists acting as hired guns and peddling their crank theories, half truths and cynical reservations to anyone who will buy their views.

The telling of the tale is quickfire, lay reader stuff rather than law review scholarship. This earned Huber a painstakingly scholarly refutation by Kenneth Cheesebro in his review article "Galileo's Retort". However, Huber's v! iews draw recent support in commentary by Zakaria Erzinclioglu in the journal Nature (4/30/1998)where a recently retired forensic scientist also claimed there were too many cowboy practitioners whose services can be brought at a price.

It's entertaining and thought provoking - but needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mesothelioma and the Asbestos Time Bomb

The one-time friend turned killer that was once such an indispensible, yet unnoticed, part of our daily lives for so many centuries, is now a feared enemy. It is Asbestos (from the Greek for 'inextinguishable') and is the reason for thousands of global compensation claims by mesothelioma lawyers against employers, manufacturers and processors of asbestos-related products. Many asbestos workers, and those unwitingly exposed to asbestos, have been given a mesothelioma diagnosis for which there is no cure, maybe just a little temporary relief, until the inevitable distressing death a few months or years after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is a time bomb because it can be that less than a day's exposure to asbestos dust is enough to produce mesothelioma, some 30-40 years later, when mesothelioma symptoms are first noticed. Though most mesothelioma victims are men, because mainly they worked in those industries, sometimes their wives and family too are innocent sufferers from this disease, inhaling the asbestos dust shaken from their husband's/fathers' clothing, or hair, at the end of the working day.

Whether the fault lies with manufacturers & employers (assuming they knew of the dangers) or the employees (did everyone diligently use respirator equipment and protective clothing, if it was supplied?), is something for the mesothelioma lawyers, insurance companies and courts to thrash out.

Meanwhile, asbestosis & mesothelioma victims are dying a painful and inexorable death, before their Cases can even come to court or a settlement is reached. As there is no cure for mesothelioma or asbestosis, all that can be done is to make the sufferer's plight as comfortable as possible, before death finally brings mercyful relief. Although various governments have introduced, albeit belatedly, anti-asbestos legislation, sufferers find that in some Cases the time limit for claiming compensation is unrealistically short, given
the long time (30-40 years) before mesothelioma symptoms are first noticed. Many victims are dying before they get a court verdict, or even before they get to court. Unlike its Greek derivation, Mesothelioma and asbestosis victims are not inextinguishable.

What is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer in the fluid-filled sac between the Mesothelium lining the lungs, or abdominal cavity or heart, and the body. In a healthy person, the mesothelium secretes a fluid which lubricates these organs, allowing them to expand, contract and easily slide over neighbouring tissues. Fluid in excess of that required for lubrication is removed through the blood & lymph system. In a person with Mesothelioma, the asbestos fibres penetrate the organ, into the fluid sac, producing cancerous cells which attack other cells, thickening the fluid, causing pain, and difficulty with breathing. Peritoneal Mesothelioma and, less commonly, Pericardial Mesothelioma, are not as common as the pleural type, but just as deadly.

The Causes of Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma, the most common form of mesiothelioma, is caused, according to all known evidence, exclusively by inhalation of asbestos fibres. These fibres are very thin & sharp enough to penetrate the lining of the lung, entering the plural sac, thereby damaging the mesothelium cells. Often, cancerous growth results, as described above. Other factors also come into play, including the changes induced in macrophages by their ingestion of asbestos particles. The asbestos seems to stimulate the macrophage to produce free radicals, which then affect DNA to induce cancerous cell behaviour. The chances of a person in an asbestos-related environment developing lung cancer, are said to be about 50 times increased if that person smokes, though there is no evidence to show that smoking itself causes mesothelioma. Ironically, one brand of cigarettes in the 1950's used asbestos in the filter tips.

There are other factors too that can play a part, such as heredity, general health and diet. Although not too much has been clincially proven about these factors, as with all diseases, the better the person's health the better their chances of not catching a disease.

The History of Asbestos.
It is probably not generally known that asbestos has been around since 4000 BC, when it was used in lamp wicks and candles. Interestingly, it was also used in the cloth wrapping of Egyptian mummies. Maybe this is the real origin of 'The Curse of The Mummy' stories; grave robbers, and maybe Egyptologists, could expect to get their just desserts! Clothing made from asbestos was highly prized in ancient times to wrap the bodies of Kings, so that their ashes would not mix with the earth or other contaminants during cremation, and it is said the Romans simply threw their asbestos napkins into a fire to cleanse and purify them.

Asbestos, a type of silica, is mined from three main types of metamorphic rock:- Chrysotile (white asbestos), Amosite (brown asbestos) and Crocodilite (blue asbestos). Other asbestos bearing rocks such as Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite are not in such common use but could still be found in some construction work, talcum powders and vermiculite. During the Middle Ages there does not appear to be much evidence of asbestos use; they probably had other problems, like recurring plagues and crusades, to contend with.

The fact that asbestos workers developed respiratory illnesses, and died young, was known as far back as Roman times when Pliny the Elder commented that asbestos workers seemed to have many health problems, advising against buying asbestos-workings slaves as they "died young". Obviously, there were no mesothelioma lawyers around then! The deleterious effects of asbestos, in modern industrial times, have been recorded as far back as the start of the 18th Century but little notice was paid by factory owners & Governments to the plight of asbestos workers - labour was cheap and life even cheaper; nothing should stand in the way of the sacred cows of Industrial Progress and the profits of industrialists and politicians.

That it took until the 1970s before more stricter legislation to restrict its use and safeguarded workers was drawn up, is scandalous. A charitable reason for this inertia may be that asbestos had become so widely used in almost every aspect of our everyday lives, delivering such tremendous benefits, that there was such a reluctance to finally admit that something so useful could also be so deadly. People who have expounded the virtues, and made a lot of money out of, asbestos are hardly likely to suddenly throw up their hands and admit to being wrong. The alternative, less charitable, explanation can only be that greed and profit were more important than employees' health.

Deja vu!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Order Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science In The Courtroom

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A must read for any person involved with the product realization process. The only way to protect you and your company against junk science when you are hauled into court with your product or service is to understand that junk science exists and to be prepared to provide real and concrete data to support the validity of your design, not simply close your eyes to their opinions and say "There is nothing wrong". Several of the companies mentioned in the book were severally damaged by what this books talks about. A number of excellent products have been taken of the market never to come back and more will never see the light of day because of those who have no other desire that to either make money or push their unsubstantiated agendas have been allowed to take advantage of our tort court systems in the USA.

Yes, some not so good products also have been taken off the market but for the wrong reasons. This too keeps other excellent products locked away in the closet.

In our increasingly technological world lack of understanding in science and technology along of this issues by both sides of the junk science debate will only result in more witch-hunts and more tilting at windmills.

To be successful in life one cannot simply allow them selves to be a victim, we must understand the world around us. No matter how good it really is, everything has a cost, everything has a dark side, but even with these costs and risks that do exist we must address the real issues and not simply make someone pay for the downside of life just because they can.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

The Water We Drink: Water Quality and Its Effects on Health

±1±: Now is the time The Water We Drink: Water Quality and Its Effects on Health Order Today!

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Jun 04, 2010 09:19:33
We all drink water and water-based fluids, yet most of us take water for granted. We assume that when we turn on the tap to fill our glass, bathtub or washing machine, clean water will flow. But is it really safe? And if it isn't, what can we do about it? The doctors who have written "The Water We Drink" provide readers with practical information on the health issues relating to water quality and suggest ways we can improve the quality and safety of our drinking water. Most of us don't realize that any small amount of contaminants found in drinking water may, over time, increase our susceptibility to many of the chronic illnesses that are becoming increasingly prevalent in our society as the population ages, such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Contaminants have also been linked to increased rates of infertility. "The Water We Drink" begins with a review of the history of water, disease and sanitation. The manner in which drinking water is regulated is described, along with information on water sources and treatment. The authors then examine health issues relating to water, including infectious diseases, cancer risks, oestrogens and fertility, and the effects of mineral and heavy metal content. They look at the benefits and risks of bottled waters and of water purification systems available to consumers. The book also provides understandable lists of contaminants levels in drinking water both regulated and unregulated by law, and the mineral and sodium contents of commonly used bottled waters. A glossary of terms, as well as a bibliography of additional agencies, books and web sites to consult for more information on drinking water and health, are also provided.

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±1±: Best Buy We Americans are two times more than drinking bottled water was 10 years ago. Bottled water is everywhere. Evian bottled water is a popular fashion was an accessory in the fashion scene in Los Angeles 80. Americans bottle, camping in Yosemite National Park was drinking more than ever, the New York City from the company conference room. 15 years in 1999 (1984), U.S. consumption has tripled. In 2001, the courier is purified tap water in Wichita, Kansas, was the topBrand Atlanta, Coca-Cola, Dasani bottled sales to replace it. Top Rush would become Maine's Poland Spring water in terms of back in 2007.

Saratogasupuringusu 1820, New York and cures for diseases of the stomach at the beginning of spring water bottling in the resale, "was used, called Dr. Clark." After 20 years, Poland Spring is the most lucrative in the U.S. the main success Start Bottling (treatment day # 1) waterKidney disease. Napoleon III, the water was determined that Perrier is bottled in 1863 for the benefit of France. Italians drink the most galloons 50 years.

In 1912, for use in fountains in public buildings, was invented by Haruteira. All of this bottling, boil drinking water silver glow of the Persian Cyrus the Great led the king to return to the packaging carried the war dates back to the flagons. Da Vinci is the year 1509, declared Sanperregurino miraculous water. BrotherAndoryuwaiesu invented the PET in 1968. Wed Perrier was packaged in green glass.

In 1976, the average American drank gallons per year at 06 in 2006 to buy 28.3 galloons we drank. Non-carbonated mineral water, the U.S. beverage industry's fastest grtowing is a segment. Recent annual sales have reached 3.5 billion dollars. Water is the way Coke, 7Ups, juice drinks and alcohol for, healthyu, refreshing, is not satisfactory. Many of the oldest in the U.S.Brand was associated with resort and spa complex. Today the mystery of ordinary things, (What status symbol length) or was initiated in 1928. Mythology is doubt improve the overall health of one of the water. If I nminerak Wed TGE, we just can not stand the taste it Chiyoda-intact, so I do not think that. A lot of the TVA dam chem, icals using Tennessee River \ n Dow.

In 1976, the water was delivered to the homes and offices and a large bottleGarunmeriyasu pitcher grocery store. It is not economical to buy more heavy jug of water is the dominant force of nature businesss. Compared to tap water bottle: Now, the secret, it is safe we only know so far. Safety can be altered to any water supply, like food and medicine at the grocery store. Thanks to his warning about global warming and Arugoa, drinking water and the environment is unprecedented in scrunity. Water, pure, healthy, perfect ... untilNow. The toxin can be added anywhere along the way. Nothing, it's good to clean out of additives other than the power company for you is in use fjor purity.

Thirty years ago bottled water business in the United States exists as most. I have it in the coffee jug wuse. Recent annual sales have reached over 26 billion dollars. But I use well water well Ofukohi road, go ahead and stick to my main spring. It is hard to chooseAs food stocks each "good" brand quality and buyers are not giving chaoice. Reverse osmosis-treated water to determine the cost and taste. What is pure water? Depends on the source. on Sale!

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where To Buy The Genie in the Bottle: 67 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

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This book contains more than five dozen articles each describing some chemical substance, how it was discovered and how it became useful. All interesting and many clearly explained. Each piece of knowledge, however, is encased long texts straining to be funny. Any trick, preferably cute, is acceptable if it seems it will make the reader smile. Thus, chapters with titles such as "Oil You Need to Know" or "Willow Power", little anecdotes, references to famous names, closely or not associated with subject at hand. So much extraneous material weighs heavily on the final text. If the reader is patient and has little else to do, this may the book, if he is also interested in chemistry.
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