Thursday, May 27, 2010

Order The Water We Drink: Water Quality and Its Effects on Health

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The authors of this book have taken what is surely a very complex issue and made it both readable and informative. They cover all or most of the issues concerning both tap and bottled water and allow the reader to make up his or her mind about which course to follow. I particularly appreciated the history of drinking water going back to Biblical and Talmudic times. I think anyone who drinks water would benefit from this book.
Get more detail about The Water We Drink: Water Quality and Its Effects on Health.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mesothelioma Surgery

Mesothelioma is a rare, deadly form of cancer which can occur in a number of types. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, a group of natural fibres which are extremely dangerous if inhaled as fibres. When fibres are inhaled they become lodged in the alveoli of the lungs and over a period of time these fibres make tissue and cells abnormal and cause mesothelioma cancer. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma cancer, accounting for approximately 75% of all mesothelioma Cases.

The next most common form, peritoneal mesothelioma, accounts for 20% of all mesothelioma Cases and pericardial mesothelioma accounts for the remaining 5%. Pleural mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs, peritoneal mesothelioma attacks the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdomen and pericardial mesothelioma affects the tissue surrounding the heart. All three of these types of cancer occur in extremely important areas of the human body and this is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to treat. Treatment methods such as radiation therapy can only be conducted with strict radiation dosage restrictions due to the possibility of damaging a vital organ such as the lungs or the heart.

Aggressive mesothelioma surgery is undertaken only by the strongest of mesothelioma patients because weaker patients are at risk of death within the first month after the operation. An experienced doctor will evaluate a patient before deciding that surgery is the best treatment method. He will take into account age, medical record, disabilities, allergies, sex, even weight. The operation will then take place. Mesothelioma surgery consists of cutting open a patient and removing the majority of cancerous cells from either the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart in an attempt to gain long term control over the cancer. Due to the proximity of the cancer to major organs of the body, the operation can only be performed by extremely skilled surgeons. There is a chance that a patient will die during the operation.

A second type of mesothelioma surgery is called palliative procedures. This is a far less dangerous and aggressive form of surgery which does not attempt to gain long term control over the cancer. Palliative procedures are designed to lessen the symptoms for a patient when it is almost certain that the patient will die inevitably from the cancer.

Mesothelioma surgery can also be coupled with radiation therapy and chemotherapy in what is known as dual therapy. Patients would undergo surgery to get rid of the majority of the cancerous mesothelioma cells and then chemotherapy and radiation therapy would be used to kill off any remaining cells. This combination of treatments has proved to be effective and has one of the highest success rates for treatments of mesothelioma cancer.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Children at Risk For Mesothelioma Cancer

In late 2007, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) found asbestos-tainted toys had reached the shelves of thousands of toy stores across the country. Most notably, the CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit, which was made in China, had been found to contain asbestos in its white and glow powder.

While production of the toy has ceased, an article from The New York Times in April 2008 elaborated on the near forgotten incident. The ADAO has filed a lawsuit in the Los Angeles Superior Court against CBS Corporation, Planet Toys Inc. (manufacturers of the CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit) and several retailers for their involvement in the sale of the asbestos-tainted toy. Families affected by the contaminated toy should also consider developing litigation for the exposure of "substantial quantities of tremolite asbestos."

The ADAO has also continued its testing of other products and found several containing asbestos, including additional children's toys.

ADAO is an organization that utilizes volunteers, several of whom have either been affected directly by asbestos-related illnesses or have watched friends and family suffer from the diseases, including mesothelioma. The ADAO acts as an asbestos watchdog although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) actually regulates legalities of asbestos violations.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is considered a human carcinogen by the federal Department of Health and Human Services and is a "naturally occurring, fibrous silicate mineral," according to the EPA. Asbestos becomes deadly when microscopic fiber bundles bind and become airborne.

When inhaled, the results can be deadly and severely damage an individual's body through the development of mesothelioma cancer. In addition to mesothelioma, asbestos can cause lung cancer or asbestosis, in which fibrous tissue scars the lungs.

Asbestos that was mined was used in an array of industries, according to the EPA:
* thermal/acoustic insulator used for fire proofing
* roofing and siding shingles made with asbestos cement
* textured paint and patching compounds used on wall and ceiling joints
* artificial ashes and embers for gas-fired fireplaces
* stove-top pads
* vinyl floor tiles, flooring and adhesives
* asbestos blanket or tape for hot water and steam pipes
* oil and coal furnaces

Asbestos-Affected Children's Toys

Tracing asbestos can be a difficult process because it is often overlooked, especially since it is not a common ingredient in manufacturing products anymore, although, it was at one time. The ADAO has been testing thousands of products for the contamination of asbestos in toys as well as regular products. Currently, they have determined several toys to have had trace amounts of asbestos including:
* CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit
* Ja-Ru Toy Clay (found among three varieties of the product)
* Art Skills' Clay Bucket (asbestos found in six colors of clay)

Additionally, there are several other products the ADAO found with asbestos traces that are not directly related to children's toys, but could still affect a child's health. Even talc baby powder has been alleged to contain asbestos fibers. Other products that have been found with asbestos contamination, according to the ADAO, include:
* Scotch High Performance and All Weather Duct tapes
* DAP Crack Shot Spackling Paste
* DAP 33 Window Glazing
* Gardner Leak Stopper

The organization also found that hair rollers, hot plates, powdered cleansers and small appliances were at risk for adversely affecting public health with asbestos fibers. The organization noted that these products are all being sold at national retail chains including:
* Walmart
* Costco
* Toys "R" Us
* Home Depot
* Lowe's
* Macy's
* Bed Bath & Beyond

Consumer Affairs, a Web-based consumer news and resource center, issued the following tips to assist parents, relatives and friends with purchasing toys for children, in order to better protect children from asbestos exposure. The list includes the following:
* Be a vigilant shopper and read all warnings that may include a toy breaking, containing small parts or fire and choking hazards.
* Read product reviews that are both done by independent panels and consumers.
* Research information on the most recent product recalls.
* Inspect toys; any toys that are broken should be thrown away.
* Research how, where and when a product was created.

What to do if Your Child is Exposed to Asbestos

If a child is exposed or even may have potentially been exposed to asbestos containing tremolite, it is imperative that medical assistance is sought immediately. Because of the nature of asbestos-induced conditions, if a child is exposed to asbestos and goes untreated as if everything were fine, they could develop mesothelioma cancer years later, which is why immediate medical care is advisable.

Because asbestos exposure among children is considered extremely avoidable, developing a lawsuit for damages incurred may be a necessary step. Victims should located an experienced mesothelioma attorney to learn more about developing a mesothelioma lawsuit.

Copyright (c) 2008 Katie Kelley

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Asubesutosairentokira - Part 3 of 3

Teck Cominco American Steelworkers Local 480 Trail's smelter, BC, this poignant documentary produced BCS occupation number one killer of: asbestos, the devastating impact of human activities that caused the sickness industry Check. Devastated by the effects of human malignant lung disease documentary interview victims and families. Chuck Puchmayr Katorinkonroi NDP MLAs and union officials call the WCB for failure recovery, family members and doctors attendingPension Puremiagodonkyanberu abolished in 2002.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

When Asbestos Tiles Can Turn Into a Real Problem

There is something to be said for asbestos products. They are inexpensive, very resistant to heat and fire, extremely durable and sturdy, yet, flexible enough to be installed even in the toughest spots. Hence it is not really surprising that the asbestos floor tile was very popular up until the 1980s. And as a matter of fact, some recently conducted studies suggests that most of the floor tiles back then consisted of two main Components; vinyl and asbestos.

But as we all know there is unfortunately also another side to the story. As long as the asbestos floor tiles stay intact and remain undamaged, there is supposedly, and according to many experts, no need to be concerned. However, even little scratches or ruptures create enough of a risk for anybody on site or in close proximity, to develop serious health issues, including mesothelioma, asbestosis and certain forms of lung cancers.

Primarily for financial reasons, a lot of homeowners who exactly face this kind of problem decide to put a new layer of different flooring on top of the asbestos floor tiling. This approach is questionable though, as it may not fully resolve the issue of still having microscopically small and toxic dust particles finding their way out, getting airborne and potentially being inhaled by the homeowners.

The certainly better, yet, more costly option is to remove the damaged asbestos tiles entirely. However, that is not an easy task. Usually, all vinyl asbestos tiles were glued to the floor and it requires the adequate gear to get them removed. In this is the reason why it is highly recommendable to hire a professional asbestos removal company for the job. I strongly suggest not to add that to your 'do-it-yourself' list; the risk of doing severe damage to your health is simply too high.

I have kidney cancer and it might very well be that I got it from being exposed to asbestos, while I helped my father cutting and preparing asbestos sheets, which we later mounted on to the outside walls of our house. That was back in the mid 80s and according to my pathology report and the characteristics of my cancer, it is quite possible that I started to develop my disease over 20 years ago. This would pretty much fall into the time window where I got in unprotected contact with the material, on a daily basis over the course of several months.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Asbestos Sairentokirapato 2 3

Teck Cominco American Steelworkers Local 480 Trail's smelter, BC, this poignant documentary produced BCS occupation number one killer of: asbestos, the devastating impact of human activities that caused the sickness industry Check. Devastated by the effects of human malignant lung disease documentary interview victims and families. Chuck Puchmayr Katorinkonroi NDP MLAs and union officials call the WCB for failure recovery, family members and doctors attendingPension Puremiagodonkyanberu abolished in 2002.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Use Mesothelioma Lawyers As a Last Resort

Mesothelioma lawyers specialize in cancer Cases and have many years of experience in gaining benefits for their client cancer sufferers. Mostly they work on a contingency basis so the patient does not have to find lots of cash to fight for compensation. Mesothelioma lawyers are aware of all of the potential sources of compensation. There are several.

Mesothelioma Cases are complex and lawyers need to have access to huge amounts of data and documentation concerning asbestos related cancer cases. If you are in need of a good mesothelioma trial lawyer be sure they are "AV rated." This is the highest level of professional excellence awarded by an independent lawyer-rating agency.

When we think about lung cancer we all too often link the disease to tobacco use. Smoking surely is the commonest cause of lung cancer however it is not the only one. The tiniest speck of asbestos inhaled to the lungs is an even more definite source of cancer cell growth and it is called mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma sufferers pay the ultimate price and consequences of mans' historical ignorance. Our knowledge of mesothelioma was woefully inadequate and architects and builders were unaware of the hazards of asbestos as an insulating material. Mesothelioma lawyers now know better than anyone that asbestos is a deadly carcinogenic. For workers in an asbestos removal environment the risks of contracting mesothelioma are constant and serious.

For those who smoke and also work in close proximity to asbestos, particularly when it is being disturbed, the risks of contracting asbestos lung cancer are doubled. Mesothelioma sufferers should not have to pay financially and should seek legal redress through compensation.

A mesothelioma lawyer worth his or her salt can definitively prove the clinical link between tobacco use, asbestos dust and the factor of eight likelihood of lung cancer. To put it another way, smoking, now or in the past, together with the inhalation of even just one minute speck of asbestos makes the person become eight times more likely to develop mesothelioma than a non-smoker breathing in the same particle.

Asbestos is a man made substance. Airborne asbestos particles are a completely avoidable health hazard. However when they are accidentally released to the atmosphere the responsible organizations must be brought to book for causing mesothelioma and to be made to compensate the victims of their actions.

Workers in the asbestos industry who smoke should seriously rethink their lifestyle if not their employment. Asbestos workers should think carefully about giving up the job because of the dangers of getting this fatal industrial disease.  At the very least if they choose to continue working with asbestos then quitting smoking will greatly reduce the risk of mesothelioma.  

Mesothelioma lawyers are all about compensation and money rather than prevention or cure. If you suffer with mesothelioma it is too late and your only recourse is the law. Mesothelioma lawyers are experts in helping in all the ways the law can.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Free Radical Effects on Membranes, Volume 61 (Current Topics in Membranes)

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May 02, 2010 14:11:41
Current Topics in Membranes provides a systematic, comprehensive, and rigorous approach to specific topics relevant to the study of cellular membranes. Each volume is a guest edited compendium of membrane biology. Articles covered in the volume include

* Provides overviews on biomembranes and the impact their physico-chemical properties have on reactive species reactivity
* Focuses is on reactive species and control of cell-signaling pathways
* Illustrates the concept that different reactive species can modulate function of specific membrane ion channels in different tissues, including sodium channels, chloride channels, sodium-potassium ATPases and calcium channels in both plasma and intracellular organelle membranes

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